Devotional 10 - Why I Follow Christ

A majority of people are reticent in becoming a Christian as they deem it too constraining. It is looked upon as a crutch or for silly old folk who are fearful of the after life. People avoid constraining, rules and regulations being watched like a hawk in life. Generally speaking a majority of individuals have no credible knowledge of the Christian life. In actuality Christianity is not really a religion but it is a personal relationship.
One is not born into the Christian family. They may have parents who are of a certain denomination or following. Being a Christian is when an individual receives Christ into their respective lives and determine to follow Him in their total make up and living. A person is not a Christian by physical birth or association. It is a firm decision and commitment. Just because one is born in a garage does not mean they are an automotive.
Should one live as a genuine believer all their lives and never enter Glory is far better than living a riotous life in this world and there is nothing more for them in the after life. Foolish onlookers decide that the only Hell is here on this planet. However the real Hell is anywhere where Jesus Christ is absent. The apostle Paul describes it best when he uttered “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Man often makes the message complex when God wants to keep it simple.

Living for Jesus,

Devotional 9 - I Got Your Signal

All of us are created in the image of God. All are social beings. God desires our love and affection as we His. A song comes to mind: “ Does Jesus care when I’ve said goodbye to the dearest on earth to me, and my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks Is it ought to Him?
Does He see? O, yes, He cares I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; when the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares, He cares.” In the early part of the last century in the northern most mountains of America an elderly man wrote a strange request to a large radio broadcasting system. As I recall it was ABC.
The letter asked them to play an A note at 7 pm on Sunday evening. He went on to explain that he lived alone in a most remote place and his only contact in life was his music which he made on his musical instrument. It has gone out of tune and I need your help in my loneliness.
On the next Sunday evening the entire network went silent! Then the sound of a single A note sounded for several seconds and filled the cold evening air. Later the station received another letter which read: “I got your signal and now I am no longer lonely.”
Our Master came to this lonely planet and now we need no longer to be lonely in life as He may fill our respective lives as we enjoy the music of His presence.

In my heart there rings a melody,
Peter Burgess

Devotional 8 - Surely I Come Quickly

Boonemyster 2018
It could well be that as in the prophecy of Daniel together with Ephesians 6 the angels of Glory are engaged in a fierce battle as the demons of Hades are seeking to undo us. It is indeed a most unusual day in which we find ourselves. With this we need to recall that the contact with Daniel was broken and it took a period of three weeks just to reach Daniel.  May we pray for His deliverance from this invisible enemy which is slaying millions.

At the same time let us take courage in the knowledge that both spiritual as well as physical onslaughts inflicted all humanity is in God’s hand.  This current epidemic must be faced by donning the full armor of God. United prayer with our eyes fastened on Him. Guess what? I went to the end of the book and we win!

Listen to Revelation 22:20 where Jesus testified “Surely I come quickly”.  I reply even so come Lord Jesus. We are encouraged in His word that He has a home prepared in the Heavens for all who love Him and love His appearing.

In His Care,

Devotional 7 - Fret not for I AM with you

“Fret not for I am with you, be not dismayed. For I am your God, I shall strengthen you, yes I will help you, yes I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.”

These inspired words, taken from Isa. 41: 10 provide the ultimate information we need for us to keep on keeping on. When we are cast down the Almighty arrives and causes us to look up!  The original Greek is anablepo or keep looking up. So let us continue to look unto Him.  Looking unto Jesus the Author and the finisher of our faith.

There was a man walking down the city side walk and looking at all the displays in the windows.  A little girl ran into the gentleman as she was walking hurriedly down that same sidewalk. The man suggested to her that she should watch where she was going.  She looked up to him and replied that he should go where he was looking.

Yes we are being watched and we need to walk the walk so as to be a great testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our lives may be the only Bible many people shall ever read.

Looking unto Him, Peter                                                                                                                                                       

Devotional 6 - Edie’s Prayer

Along with being a minister I also served as a social worker. One of my fellow workers admired my devotion to Christ. She became hospitalized and I visited her in the hospital. When I entered her room it was dark and dreary. I asked her if I may pray quoting a passage from the James letter, chapter 5, verse 14: “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.” Once obeying this passage her room lit up, she got up and wanted to go home. The authorities were summoned and she was discharged upon her testimony. Prayer of faith healed the sick.
Our Lord later determined to heal her permanently and she left instructions for me to conduct her funeral as she had such faith in what God had done in her life. Her spouse decided to ask their pastor to preach and he did. However, when I attended the funeral the pastor became sick and asked me to be in charge as he was too ill. Edie’s prayer was answered in her healing but even more in her demise. To God be the Glory! Faith and explicit trust in the Lord Jesus Christ worked then and it does now. In your deep need turn to Him and He also shall be there for you.

Praying for your healing,

Devotional 5 - God Shall Provide

May I share with you a matter that God continues to teach me?  Oftentimes I will become concerned about a situation. It could be a person or a happening or whatever but it would cause me to have great consternation and concern. My ongoing experience has proven that almost everything that troubled me never took place! Scripture proves in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We humans do well to delve into the Bible to give us direction in life.

Allow me to provide a living illustration from my experience. When the father of three precious little girls we lived, so to speak, from hand to mouth. We invented poverty!  a very special couple would let the family stay in their river home for a week every year. It was perfect with the exception of my catching what we fed on and without much else;  My wife almost started growing gills!

One day a stranger came to the backyard and beckoned me to join him in his vehicle. He seemed most honorable, and this was many years ago,  he told me he was there to help. The large vehicle transported us to a grocery store. When we entered I was informed to fill three large bags with all I needed. Once the bags were filled he took them, paid the bill and drove back to the river house. We had food left over!  After seeking to identify this stranger there was no person who ever saw anyone of his distription then or ever!

Once again god provided and I had nothing to be concerned over. In Paul’s letter to the Hebrews 13:2 he writes: “be not forgetful to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unaware.”

God Shall Provide,

Devotional 4 - Palm Sunday

God shall never forsake his creation. He has provided a kinsman Redeemer for us to stand by us in times of crisis. People question His methods in providing such as we revisit Bethlehem. The Hebrew word for Bethlehem is “the House of Bread”. He is the bread of life!

When raising three girls in years past I had one that always kept me on my toes. One day I observed her lying on the ground seemingly lifeless. I rushed to her side and asked her, once she got to her feet, why she was on the ground. She left me with an everlasting gem! She told me that she had stepped on an ant and was apologizing to the little creature. My sudden response was that the ants could not understand her.

Later it came to me that God could not fully understand man and we Him. Thus God became a man at His birth in Bethlehem, Israel. He then was our personal friend, our comforter an ever-present one in our time of trouble. Also as our Father He is there for us to jump into His lap and address Him as our loving Father! Now reach out and tell Him what is on your heart and mind. He became like us that we in turn may become like Him. This Palm Sunday we recalled just how much He cared in saving us in His very death!

God’s love,

Devotional 3 - Abandoned But Not Alone

The Holy Scripture promises man that should one’s father or mother forsake them that the Lord would lift them up as seen in Psalm 27:10.  In true to life experience I was forsaken by my father as an infant. When still an infant I was given up by my birth mother in adoption. 

Today I am in my nineties and testify that the Lord did indeed lift me up as He keeps His promises. My Lord has been ever present and my on-going Friend and Companion! Millions have experienced the loss of a parent, a friend, a companion or whatever.  Again God comes to meet the needs of the needy who seek Him.  A dear lady was meeting unpleasant conflict within her home when she fled to a local park to be alone with her Lord.  As she mused she came up with these words. “ I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses; And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.  And he walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own, And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.”

And so my dear friend look unto Him and He will bless you in a way which shall be most unique!  He longs to be wanted as He tells us in His word.  May you experience this marvelous warmth from His inexplicable love and devotion as you share His Divine love in you lives both now and evermore

In His Divine love, 

Peter Burgess

Devotional 2 - Shipwrecked But Not Alone

A sailor suffered shipwreck and was able to remain afloat on some boards from the vessel he was sailing.  After sometime he managed to come upon a small island at sea. Immediately he began to comb the place for anything in assisting in putting together a shelter to protect him from the elements. After laborious hours and weeks he managed to construct a rather comfortable abode for himself.

One day, while searching for food, he turned around abruptly to behold his home being engulfed in monstrous flames. All that he had worked for so very long was in absolute destruction! He was overwhelmed with grief! In his sorrow he managed to look out to sea and observed a large ocean vessel. Soon the captain of the ship found his way to the lost man and shouted “We saw your smoke signal and came immediately!” Sometimes we see nothing but disaster and failure. It is then that we are rescued by our loving Captain. “I saw your distress signal and came to rescue you!!” He observed our plight in the outset as is indicated in the Gospel according to John, chapter 3, verse 16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Peter Burgess

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