Devotional 5 - God Shall Provide

May I share with you a matter that God continues to teach me?  Oftentimes I will become concerned about a situation. It could be a person or a happening or whatever but it would cause me to have great consternation and concern. My ongoing experience has proven that almost everything that troubled me never took place! Scripture proves in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We humans do well to delve into the Bible to give us direction in life.

Allow me to provide a living illustration from my experience. When the father of three precious little girls we lived, so to speak, from hand to mouth. We invented poverty!  a very special couple would let the family stay in their river home for a week every year. It was perfect with the exception of my catching what we fed on and without much else;  My wife almost started growing gills!

One day a stranger came to the backyard and beckoned me to join him in his vehicle. He seemed most honorable, and this was many years ago,  he told me he was there to help. The large vehicle transported us to a grocery store. When we entered I was informed to fill three large bags with all I needed. Once the bags were filled he took them, paid the bill and drove back to the river house. We had food left over!  After seeking to identify this stranger there was no person who ever saw anyone of his distription then or ever!

Once again god provided and I had nothing to be concerned over. In Paul’s letter to the Hebrews 13:2 he writes: “be not forgetful to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unaware.”

God Shall Provide,

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