Devotional 9 - I Got Your Signal

All of us are created in the image of God. All are social beings. God desires our love and affection as we His. A song comes to mind: “ Does Jesus care when I’ve said goodbye to the dearest on earth to me, and my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks Is it ought to Him?
Does He see? O, yes, He cares I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; when the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares, He cares.” In the early part of the last century in the northern most mountains of America an elderly man wrote a strange request to a large radio broadcasting system. As I recall it was ABC.
The letter asked them to play an A note at 7 pm on Sunday evening. He went on to explain that he lived alone in a most remote place and his only contact in life was his music which he made on his musical instrument. It has gone out of tune and I need your help in my loneliness.
On the next Sunday evening the entire network went silent! Then the sound of a single A note sounded for several seconds and filled the cold evening air. Later the station received another letter which read: “I got your signal and now I am no longer lonely.”
Our Master came to this lonely planet and now we need no longer to be lonely in life as He may fill our respective lives as we enjoy the music of His presence.

In my heart there rings a melody,
Peter Burgess

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