Devotional 8 - Surely I Come Quickly

Boonemyster 2018
It could well be that as in the prophecy of Daniel together with Ephesians 6 the angels of Glory are engaged in a fierce battle as the demons of Hades are seeking to undo us. It is indeed a most unusual day in which we find ourselves. With this we need to recall that the contact with Daniel was broken and it took a period of three weeks just to reach Daniel.  May we pray for His deliverance from this invisible enemy which is slaying millions.

At the same time let us take courage in the knowledge that both spiritual as well as physical onslaughts inflicted all humanity is in God’s hand.  This current epidemic must be faced by donning the full armor of God. United prayer with our eyes fastened on Him. Guess what? I went to the end of the book and we win!

Listen to Revelation 22:20 where Jesus testified “Surely I come quickly”.  I reply even so come Lord Jesus. We are encouraged in His word that He has a home prepared in the Heavens for all who love Him and love His appearing.

In His Care,

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