Devotional 2 - Shipwrecked But Not Alone

A sailor suffered shipwreck and was able to remain afloat on some boards from the vessel he was sailing.  After sometime he managed to come upon a small island at sea. Immediately he began to comb the place for anything in assisting in putting together a shelter to protect him from the elements. After laborious hours and weeks he managed to construct a rather comfortable abode for himself.

One day, while searching for food, he turned around abruptly to behold his home being engulfed in monstrous flames. All that he had worked for so very long was in absolute destruction! He was overwhelmed with grief! In his sorrow he managed to look out to sea and observed a large ocean vessel. Soon the captain of the ship found his way to the lost man and shouted “We saw your smoke signal and came immediately!” Sometimes we see nothing but disaster and failure. It is then that we are rescued by our loving Captain. “I saw your distress signal and came to rescue you!!” He observed our plight in the outset as is indicated in the Gospel according to John, chapter 3, verse 16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Peter Burgess

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