Dr. Clarence Sexton, president of Crown College, introduced to our nation a special alert with regard to our president.  He also related that two old women had asked God to anoint Scotland with a Holy Ghost revival and their joint prayers were answered by the Almighty.  Should you have missed this then you must look it up.

Dr.  Sexton made a reference to a matter which may have been overlooked by a majority. In paraphrasing him a brief reference was made to these two elderly individuals who were not wanted in the church anymore. When listening to this amazing announcement, also note this statement on the elderly which may have been overlooked.

Thus God wanted to address this further and called it to my attention. One reason could be that I find myself in the nineties bracket. If he sees this problem in the church then we must address it immediately. Once reaching a certain age you become shelved. No wonder people question the loyalty of our churches anymore. King David asked God to not overlook him when becoming a grey-head with in his psalms.  God does not forget us when we age but rather sends special angels to watch over them.

As a young boy I always had a love and concern for my elders. Our society no longer recognizes the family unit. The church has overlooked them as we observe. My mother, at the age of 90 was honored by the local assembly in the 1960s. Oh how we have fallen away in our time. The aged are not needful of sympathy but due respect and honor.
This article was born as a result of neglect and possibly the reason for the weakness in our society and places of worship.








IT WAS ENOUGH!                                                                                    







From the very moment Christ ascended into the heavenly skies man has predicted His return. He had barely gotten out of sight and people were looking for His return to our planet. Why not? They were lost without Him and this is precisely the reason He chose to send the Holy Spirit to fill that void.  However there are those who, in spite of our Lord’s warning in seeking to establish a date, have nevertheless sought to set a precise day and time. The Apostle Peter, led by the Holy Spirit, in II Peter chapter 3, wrote to clarify the argument of those who insisted that we are unable to provide credible doctrine on Christ’s return to earth. To those who shrug their shoulders and repeat things like we were instructed by Christ that we can not determine the day or hour. Peter is quick to inform us that we can indeed know for certain the period or season and gives this apologia in his second book in chapter 3.

This will clear the path to look into this provocative subject in this very period when many are discussing the unrest, plagues, and godlessness. We shall base our doctrine upon prophetic scripture.  The Bible has multitudes of predictions and all have come to pass with pin point correctness.  It is my fervent prayer that this brief study shall be enlightening and a spiritual guide with heavenly blessing. 

The first promise of His return to earth is established in three of the gospels. In Matthew chapter 24:32-35 Christ Himself gave us the time period.  He related, in effect, that when the nation of Israel was recognized by the nations that this would usher in His return. This event occurred on May14, 1948. Furthermore Christ reported that this generation will not pass away prior to His coming.  The end of that generation is now approaching. 
When questioned as to this time in history I say, in jest, that should He not come in this time He will miss His greatest opportunity.

Seriously we are indeed beholding serious times which indicate that we are coming to witness a great revelation. Paul spoke of such in I Thessalonians.  Orthodox theologians agree that we are definitely approaching the time of Christ’s glorious return.  At any rate we must examine this and most of all examine our hearts to determine if we are prepared.
Once Christ returns, all who are trusting in Him shall rejoice. There shall be no more death or dying.  God shall wipe away all our tears and we shall live eternally in glory with the Lord and all His redeemed!

Even so come Lord Jesus!


When you were born you received a talent. Some are multi-talented. Lately, numerous young people have exhibited outstanding abilities in the operatic field. It was not until I reached my 80s until I discovered there was in my being undiscovered proficiency in the field of art. It should behoove us all to try and determine the gift that God gave us when we were born. You may well be surprised should you open yourself up to all the great possibilities.

Also, when you become reborn you were provided with a spiritual gift. All receive a gift or even multiple gifts at the moment of rebirth. A vast majority of church people have not even heard of such. Still a large number have no knowledge of the gifts of the Spirit in their respective lives. This is the main reason why churches have fallen into an unknown delinquency. All believers need to discover that gift with which they have been provided when they asked Jesus Christ for His salvation.

There are as many as 25 gifts of the spirit. There needs to be an open Bible, a receptive heart and soul in order to determine what gift or gifts God has graciously provided for every believing soul on earth. The scripture reveals all of His gifts in the New Testament. Some of the gifts will be listed for your information. There is the gift of knowledge, the gift of healing, prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, helping, hospitality, encouragement, teaching, giving, mercy, grace, intercession, celibacy, etc.

We are not to pick and choose our gift or gifts; however we are to pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit in determining our God provided means of service. Once we discover this blessing we are to use it. And should one neglect in using it they may surely lose it. The knowledge and employment of gifts is essential to a Spirit filled, godly, successful congregation. The neglect of this practice produces a lifeless group of individuals which meet socially with no divine guidance or purpose. It all ends up as the gift of gab.

Seek and you shall find,


Should one bake a cake and omit the baking powder it maybe a total loss. The missing ingredient in the church has crippled the body. Once we have admitted this and corrected it there will be a Holy Ghost revival. Do not merely read this manifesto or just agree but confess failure and take the first positive step in total yielding to the Spirit. There has been too much talk and very little action. We find ourselves in a total state of apathy without a leader and powerless. Confusion abounds. 

It was in the 1700s when a group of God’s people met and just laid aside their worship plans and WAITED on God. Nothing was said nor done but allowing God to direct their worship. The results were beyond explaining and far reaching. This movement of the Almighty was prevalent for over a centaury and its results remain to a vast extent. I have also conducted hundreds of worship services but, to my dismay, seldom was there a total yielding in the meeting to the Holy Ghost. It comes to mind that a well known minister who by merely entering into a factory, many years ago, was so given to the Holy Spirit that those workmen fell prostrate on the floor upon his arrival.

The Holy Spirit is a stranger in most places of worship. Most so called Christians are ignorant of this third Person of the God-head Trinity. He is the sole Author of the entire Word of God. He provides us with comfort, correction and direction. He glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. We may grieve Him. He does not force Himself on man but welcomes those who invite Him into their lives and worship. He has become the missing ingredient in this world’s scenario. Stop! Invite Him to flood your total experience and glorify Him in your life and the results shall become far reaching. Total peace shall control your spirit and your lives.

One may better understand that the Old Testament was the age of the Father, the New Testament was the age of the Son, and our time is the age of the Spirit. Man may be baptized in the Holy Spirit and experience multitudes of fillings by Him. The sole sin that man commits which disallows his entrance into eternal life is the rejection of this Person. A complete instruction in the doctrine of the third Person of the trinity may transform our lives and that is exactly what is grossly essential in our day.

Welcome Holy Spirit!


When a quiz is offered on the internet it becomes challenging and we go for it just to see how well we can do.
We are not going to compete with one another but will get an idea of where we are with God in this brief introspection.   It will prove to be both enlightening and informative. Finally, it will bring you closer to the Lord God Almighty. Probably you have never done this before and it will assist you in your life for Him.

Get alone and contemplate these things in life with you and your Maker alone.

➢ Do you read the scriptures frequently so as to be fed spiritually and gain insight?  (Not to just go through the Bible to say you have read the entire Bible.)

➢ You find yourself talking with Him constantly just because you want His abiding presence and to obtain direction as you go through life.
➢ As you have fellowship alone with Him do you derive instruction that you may 
not receive in ordinary experiences? Furthermore do you express your gratefulness as you accost trials with greater success as you talk to Jesus?

➢ Do you often speak to others about your love for Jesus so that they may become interested in the conversation and wish to hear more.

➢ When you feel forsaken or ignored do you remind yourself that life is not just about you but, as His follower, life is about Him.
➢ As you travel through life and meet someone who is a believer in Christ, as you, is there a joy and enthusiasm that springs up within your soul?

These are a few thoughts to dwell upon to determine where you may be in your current spiritual growth and development. The Apostle Paul put it this way in his Epistle to the Ephesians “continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you.”.

Growing in Him,


Never in all history has the enemy been quite as active as in this year of 2020! Make no mistake we are on the edge of what God warned us about since the beginning of time. Should every human be serious in their response they would testify that something is about to happen.  That is exactly why God has always provided a clear warning to His creation. What further warning do we require?  A loving Lord always warns us of the coming judgment. 

Unfortunately our nation, for the most part, has been spitting in the face of the Almighty probably beginning especially about 1960.  So for some 60 years we have escaped the wrath of God. He has sent to us some great people that have shown deep respect for Him and we have been blessed magnificently; however man has become such an enemy of righteousness that there is now no turning around.  After over 70 years of biblical ministry I have witnessed enough prophecy being fulfilled to cause deep concern.  

Scripture is replete with information to confirm my consternation as to where we are heading. There is no point in quoting scripture because corrupt people in high places use this to support their waywardness. My gut feeling, as a seasoned minister, is that God has determined that this world is no longer suitable for bringing up precious little children.  Also He will not allow His blood purchased saints to live through the great tribulation which may occur in any given moment. Thus the handwriting is definitely on the wall and you are being encouraged to flee from the wrath to come as you look unto Jesus Christ for salvation and Divine peace upon reading this information.

Once you depend solely upon the Messiah, and soon coming Savior, there will be peace and tranquility beyond your most extreme imagination! This message is from my heart to yours. It has about gone beyond time for man to believe and fully trust in our Lord and our God. May you discover His salvation and His comfort in such times as we are now experiencing. In so doing it will bring understanding as to what is now causing many to become totally non-pulsed and bewildered. Some have resorted to suicide and others losing faith. We are at the crossroads and you need to make a serious turn to Christ to meet your need. This is the only answer to the on-going strife and confusion in this day.



The very first sign of the return of the Lord God Almighty to our planet is none other than the apostasy as foretold in the Bible. The organized church has arrived at that state. Christian leaders are either ignorant of doctrine or disobedient. A vast number of Christians will not stand up for God’s doctrine as they are calling good evil and evil good. Churches are divided over issues that should never have been an issue if they were obedient. Repent and return to the scripture and repeat the teachings of the Bible. Not one’s interpretation of the Bible but that of the Holy Spirit’s.

Our confusion today is due to a lack of obedience to His instructions. God tells us that He is not the author of confusion. Most, in their confusion, are blaming everything but the actual enemy who is the god of this world, read 2 Corinthians 4:4. We will never rid ourselves of what is transpiring among us unless the real enemy is revealed. Once we have identified him we need to read Ephesians 6: 10-18 until we absorb the solution completely and take our marching orders from the Lord. The redeemed obedient believers know His voice and comprehend that we are now engaged in warfare as described in the book of Ephesians.

This is the only way we can overcome the world and all of its ills. The organized church is producing Christian young men who are marrying Christian young men. People are becoming Christian prostitutes, or whatever. Biblical knowledge is miniscule. Should 3% of the United Methodist have voted with the other 47%, in a godless matter, we may have a total corrupt denomination. The organized church can no longer be taken for granted. May the church become the real church prior to the return of Christ for His own. Many in the church today are willing for Christ to return but few are ready.

Standing up for Jesus,


View my prophetic YouTube musical “Message in the Leaves”.

Related Press Release: The People of The United Methodist Church on LGBT

Photo source: Rev. Elbert Dulworth of Birmingham First United Methodist Church addresses the decisions made by the general council. The Detroit News

Admonition: If My People Will Humble Themselves and Pray

George Floyd Protest Raleigh June 2, 2020 - Boonemyster
Since the attack of the enemy on our universe, using the plague which has taken so many lives, we are now under attack by this same enemy who is not being identified.  My use of the Word of God will reveal our common enemy.  This issue demands all of humanity to address the enemy and take immediate action.

The enemy to be exposed is described by the Lord God Almighty in 2nd Corinthians 4:4. This is described by your creator as “the god of this world.”  He employs people to carry out his plan to divide, kill and destroy. In this very time we witness his devices but do not identify our common enemy.  The answer to what we are experiencing has been revealed again by the God of Glory in the end of His letter to mankind in Revelation 12:12.  Our maker instructs us that the god of this world is meeting his demise and is therefore exceedingly furious, this is being seen today!  With this in mind we understand that God is no respecter of persons and does not see people as being of a certain color.  Neither should any genuine believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

My admonition is to follow the directions of Almighty God in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 and pray as though it all depends on God and work as though it all depends upon us.

Exposing the enemy,

Devotional 17 - Churches Will Forsake Us But He Will Never Leave

During the period of the great plague which caused all to go into isolation, I have provided four months of devotionals. Today’s devotional is the final message from the Bible to you who have read them. May we meet again in the place He provides in Glory for all who love Him and His appearing.

Today’s devotional centers on those who are ardent followers of the Master. Churches have had to close their doors due to the dreadful coronovirus but we need to understand the true meaning of church.  When I say “church” what do you vision?  Is it a brick building or is it clap board structure?  Church, according to Jesus, is the Lord Himself, you and me.  Don’t be embarrassed as the Apostle Peter made the very same mistake! In Matthew 17: 4 Peter suggested that we have three houses of worship and God responded for all to focus on Jesus alone. Man is always creating something tangible instead of worshipping in the Spirit. Thank God we can worship together anywhere, at any time.

All too often man becomes a church oriented individual when the scriptures instruct us to be Christ centered.  Churches, Christ warned us will, in the last days, become cold and He was right.  But the Lord Jesus Christ is our all in all.  People, and yes churches will forsake us but He will never leave nor forsake the believer in Him.  May we meet again in Eternity as a direct result of our falling in love with Jesus Christ!  Amen

Believers are the Church,

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