When a quiz is offered on the internet it becomes challenging and we go for it just to see how well we can do.
We are not going to compete with one another but will get an idea of where we are with God in this brief introspection.   It will prove to be both enlightening and informative. Finally, it will bring you closer to the Lord God Almighty. Probably you have never done this before and it will assist you in your life for Him.

Get alone and contemplate these things in life with you and your Maker alone.

➢ Do you read the scriptures frequently so as to be fed spiritually and gain insight?  (Not to just go through the Bible to say you have read the entire Bible.)

➢ You find yourself talking with Him constantly just because you want His abiding presence and to obtain direction as you go through life.
➢ As you have fellowship alone with Him do you derive instruction that you may 
not receive in ordinary experiences? Furthermore do you express your gratefulness as you accost trials with greater success as you talk to Jesus?

➢ Do you often speak to others about your love for Jesus so that they may become interested in the conversation and wish to hear more.

➢ When you feel forsaken or ignored do you remind yourself that life is not just about you but, as His follower, life is about Him.
➢ As you travel through life and meet someone who is a believer in Christ, as you, is there a joy and enthusiasm that springs up within your soul?

These are a few thoughts to dwell upon to determine where you may be in your current spiritual growth and development. The Apostle Paul put it this way in his Epistle to the Ephesians “continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you.”.

Growing in Him,

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