Devotional 17 - Churches Will Forsake Us But He Will Never Leave

During the period of the great plague which caused all to go into isolation, I have provided four months of devotionals. Today’s devotional is the final message from the Bible to you who have read them. May we meet again in the place He provides in Glory for all who love Him and His appearing.

Today’s devotional centers on those who are ardent followers of the Master. Churches have had to close their doors due to the dreadful coronovirus but we need to understand the true meaning of church.  When I say “church” what do you vision?  Is it a brick building or is it clap board structure?  Church, according to Jesus, is the Lord Himself, you and me.  Don’t be embarrassed as the Apostle Peter made the very same mistake! In Matthew 17: 4 Peter suggested that we have three houses of worship and God responded for all to focus on Jesus alone. Man is always creating something tangible instead of worshipping in the Spirit. Thank God we can worship together anywhere, at any time.

All too often man becomes a church oriented individual when the scriptures instruct us to be Christ centered.  Churches, Christ warned us will, in the last days, become cold and He was right.  But the Lord Jesus Christ is our all in all.  People, and yes churches will forsake us but He will never leave nor forsake the believer in Him.  May we meet again in Eternity as a direct result of our falling in love with Jesus Christ!  Amen

Believers are the Church,

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