The very first sign of the return of the Lord God Almighty to our planet is none other than the apostasy as foretold in the Bible. The organized church has arrived at that state. Christian leaders are either ignorant of doctrine or disobedient. A vast number of Christians will not stand up for God’s doctrine as they are calling good evil and evil good. Churches are divided over issues that should never have been an issue if they were obedient. Repent and return to the scripture and repeat the teachings of the Bible. Not one’s interpretation of the Bible but that of the Holy Spirit’s.

Our confusion today is due to a lack of obedience to His instructions. God tells us that He is not the author of confusion. Most, in their confusion, are blaming everything but the actual enemy who is the god of this world, read 2 Corinthians 4:4. We will never rid ourselves of what is transpiring among us unless the real enemy is revealed. Once we have identified him we need to read Ephesians 6: 10-18 until we absorb the solution completely and take our marching orders from the Lord. The redeemed obedient believers know His voice and comprehend that we are now engaged in warfare as described in the book of Ephesians.

This is the only way we can overcome the world and all of its ills. The organized church is producing Christian young men who are marrying Christian young men. People are becoming Christian prostitutes, or whatever. Biblical knowledge is miniscule. Should 3% of the United Methodist have voted with the other 47%, in a godless matter, we may have a total corrupt denomination. The organized church can no longer be taken for granted. May the church become the real church prior to the return of Christ for His own. Many in the church today are willing for Christ to return but few are ready.

Standing up for Jesus,


View my prophetic YouTube musical “Message in the Leaves”.

Related Press Release: The People of The United Methodist Church on LGBT

Photo source: Rev. Elbert Dulworth of Birmingham First United Methodist Church addresses the decisions made by the general council. The Detroit News

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