Should one bake a cake and omit the baking powder it maybe a total loss. The missing ingredient in the church has crippled the body. Once we have admitted this and corrected it there will be a Holy Ghost revival. Do not merely read this manifesto or just agree but confess failure and take the first positive step in total yielding to the Spirit. There has been too much talk and very little action. We find ourselves in a total state of apathy without a leader and powerless. Confusion abounds. 

It was in the 1700s when a group of God’s people met and just laid aside their worship plans and WAITED on God. Nothing was said nor done but allowing God to direct their worship. The results were beyond explaining and far reaching. This movement of the Almighty was prevalent for over a centaury and its results remain to a vast extent. I have also conducted hundreds of worship services but, to my dismay, seldom was there a total yielding in the meeting to the Holy Ghost. It comes to mind that a well known minister who by merely entering into a factory, many years ago, was so given to the Holy Spirit that those workmen fell prostrate on the floor upon his arrival.

The Holy Spirit is a stranger in most places of worship. Most so called Christians are ignorant of this third Person of the God-head Trinity. He is the sole Author of the entire Word of God. He provides us with comfort, correction and direction. He glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. We may grieve Him. He does not force Himself on man but welcomes those who invite Him into their lives and worship. He has become the missing ingredient in this world’s scenario. Stop! Invite Him to flood your total experience and glorify Him in your life and the results shall become far reaching. Total peace shall control your spirit and your lives.

One may better understand that the Old Testament was the age of the Father, the New Testament was the age of the Son, and our time is the age of the Spirit. Man may be baptized in the Holy Spirit and experience multitudes of fillings by Him. The sole sin that man commits which disallows his entrance into eternal life is the rejection of this Person. A complete instruction in the doctrine of the third Person of the trinity may transform our lives and that is exactly what is grossly essential in our day.

Welcome Holy Spirit!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put and wonderfully convicting. I will read it and read it again. I will follow your lead and ask the Holy Spirit to envelope my soul. Yahweh forgive me. Yahweh forgive us. Increase our desire for Him and give us boldness to speak the whole truth. Amen!


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