Admonition: If My People Will Humble Themselves and Pray

George Floyd Protest Raleigh June 2, 2020 - Boonemyster
Since the attack of the enemy on our universe, using the plague which has taken so many lives, we are now under attack by this same enemy who is not being identified.  My use of the Word of God will reveal our common enemy.  This issue demands all of humanity to address the enemy and take immediate action.

The enemy to be exposed is described by the Lord God Almighty in 2nd Corinthians 4:4. This is described by your creator as “the god of this world.”  He employs people to carry out his plan to divide, kill and destroy. In this very time we witness his devices but do not identify our common enemy.  The answer to what we are experiencing has been revealed again by the God of Glory in the end of His letter to mankind in Revelation 12:12.  Our maker instructs us that the god of this world is meeting his demise and is therefore exceedingly furious, this is being seen today!  With this in mind we understand that God is no respecter of persons and does not see people as being of a certain color.  Neither should any genuine believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

My admonition is to follow the directions of Almighty God in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 and pray as though it all depends on God and work as though it all depends upon us.

Exposing the enemy,

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