Never in all history has the enemy been quite as active as in this year of 2020! Make no mistake we are on the edge of what God warned us about since the beginning of time. Should every human be serious in their response they would testify that something is about to happen.  That is exactly why God has always provided a clear warning to His creation. What further warning do we require?  A loving Lord always warns us of the coming judgment. 

Unfortunately our nation, for the most part, has been spitting in the face of the Almighty probably beginning especially about 1960.  So for some 60 years we have escaped the wrath of God. He has sent to us some great people that have shown deep respect for Him and we have been blessed magnificently; however man has become such an enemy of righteousness that there is now no turning around.  After over 70 years of biblical ministry I have witnessed enough prophecy being fulfilled to cause deep concern.  

Scripture is replete with information to confirm my consternation as to where we are heading. There is no point in quoting scripture because corrupt people in high places use this to support their waywardness. My gut feeling, as a seasoned minister, is that God has determined that this world is no longer suitable for bringing up precious little children.  Also He will not allow His blood purchased saints to live through the great tribulation which may occur in any given moment. Thus the handwriting is definitely on the wall and you are being encouraged to flee from the wrath to come as you look unto Jesus Christ for salvation and Divine peace upon reading this information.

Once you depend solely upon the Messiah, and soon coming Savior, there will be peace and tranquility beyond your most extreme imagination! This message is from my heart to yours. It has about gone beyond time for man to believe and fully trust in our Lord and our God. May you discover His salvation and His comfort in such times as we are now experiencing. In so doing it will bring understanding as to what is now causing many to become totally non-pulsed and bewildered. Some have resorted to suicide and others losing faith. We are at the crossroads and you need to make a serious turn to Christ to meet your need. This is the only answer to the on-going strife and confusion in this day.


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