When you were born you received a talent. Some are multi-talented. Lately, numerous young people have exhibited outstanding abilities in the operatic field. It was not until I reached my 80s until I discovered there was in my being undiscovered proficiency in the field of art. It should behoove us all to try and determine the gift that God gave us when we were born. You may well be surprised should you open yourself up to all the great possibilities.
Also, when you become reborn you were provided with a spiritual gift. All receive a gift or even multiple gifts at the moment of rebirth. A vast majority of church people have not even heard of such. Still a large number have no knowledge of the gifts of the Spirit in their respective lives. This is the main reason why churches have fallen into an unknown delinquency. All believers need to discover that gift with which they have been provided when they asked Jesus Christ for His salvation.
There are as many as 25 gifts of the spirit. There needs to be an open Bible, a receptive heart and soul in order to determine what gift or gifts God has graciously provided for every believing soul on earth. The scripture reveals all of His gifts in the New Testament. Some of the gifts will be listed for your information. There is the gift of knowledge, the gift of healing, prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, helping, hospitality, encouragement, teaching, giving, mercy, grace, intercession, celibacy, etc.
We are not to pick and choose our gift or gifts; however we are to pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit in determining our God provided means of service. Once we discover this blessing we are to use it. And should one neglect in using it they may surely lose it. The knowledge and employment of gifts is essential to a Spirit filled, godly, successful congregation. The neglect of this practice produces a lifeless group of individuals which meet socially with no divine guidance or purpose. It all ends up as the gift of gab.
Seek and you shall find,