During the period of the great plague which caused all to go into isolation, I have provided four months of devotionals. Today’s devotional is the final message from the Bible to you who have read them. May we meet again in the place He provides in Glory for all who love Him and His appearing.
Today’s devotional centers on those who are ardent followers of the Master. Churches have had to close their doors due to the dreadful coronovirus but we need to understand the true meaning of church. When I say “church” what do you vision? Is it a brick building or is it clap board structure? Church, according to Jesus, is the Lord Himself, you and me. Don’t be embarrassed as the Apostle Peter made the very same mistake! In Matthew 17: 4 Peter suggested that we have three houses of worship and God responded for all to focus on Jesus alone. Man is always creating something tangible instead of worshipping in the Spirit. Thank God we can worship together anywhere, at any time.
All too often man becomes a church oriented individual when the scriptures instruct us to be Christ centered. Churches, Christ warned us will, in the last days, become cold and He was right. But the Lord Jesus Christ is our all in all. People, and yes churches will forsake us but He will never leave nor forsake the believer in Him. May we meet again in Eternity as a direct result of our falling in love with Jesus Christ! Amen
Believers are the Church,
Devotional 16 - Our world contains two separate types of individuals...
For all who are born twice, as taught by Jesus in John’s gospel chapter 3, these need to be equipped with spiritual understanding which comes with growth in our Lord by reading His instructions in scripture.
We are all equipped with three voices as believers. The voice of our Lord, an evil voice and our own voice. It is essential for all to be able to determine where these voices are originating. How can you determine where the voice of instruction is originating? This is of utmost import and most beneficial to every believer in Christ Jesus.
First there is the counterfeit voice which speaks to us. Already you know where that is coming from as Lucifer is the greatest counterfeiter. Second is a voice of your own choosing and people are fickle and listen to whatever persuasion they may conjure up. Finally there is the voice of your maker. This voice is the only trustworthy voice. It is the voice of Providence. It is the voice of common sense and wisdom which has become scarce in this time. My devotional today is to point out what is essential in the Christian life. Read Isaiah 50:10, 11 and Proverbs 6:22.
May you hear Him speaking to you,
Devotional 15 - Observing Huge Signs
Out of the dreadful plague which came upon us in February 2020 may well arise a Great Awakening. Many have been lost physically; however, at the same time, others may be brought to the Good Shepherd. Thus, in the culmination of things we could possibly witness a very special revelation where people could be brought to the Almighty in their time of crisis.
Today we are experiencing an unseen battle in the heavens where the forces of evil are warring against the God of creation. As recorded in the Bible are words of instruction which inform of such. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Thus we may be witnessing in our day a fierce war going on in the heavens or high places.
Our God who is mighty in warfare shall ultimately overcome and will create a new heaven and a new earth. Finally there shall be no more death nor shall there be any more crying for the former things are passed away. Beloved, at this time in world history we are observing huge signs of the culmination of earthly matters. Our Lord offers comfort and direction for all who will cast all their care upon Him. How can we escape should we neglect such a great salvation?
May the peace of God comfort you,
Today we are experiencing an unseen battle in the heavens where the forces of evil are warring against the God of creation. As recorded in the Bible are words of instruction which inform of such. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Thus we may be witnessing in our day a fierce war going on in the heavens or high places.
Our God who is mighty in warfare shall ultimately overcome and will create a new heaven and a new earth. Finally there shall be no more death nor shall there be any more crying for the former things are passed away. Beloved, at this time in world history we are observing huge signs of the culmination of earthly matters. Our Lord offers comfort and direction for all who will cast all their care upon Him. How can we escape should we neglect such a great salvation?
May the peace of God comfort you,
Devotional 14 - Even so come Lord Jesus
According to what is revealed in scripture, we are living in the decade when we may witness the second advent of the Messiah. It should not be left for theologians to examine but we must rely fully on what has been recorded in the Bible.
In Matthew 24:32 Jesus provided information on this issue. He referred to this event in relating that when Israel, or the fig tree, showed signs of putting forth of it’s leaves that would be a definite sign of His return to earth.
On May 14, 1948 Israel was recognized as a nation. Furthermore Jesus went on to explain that the generation of that year should not pass away prior to His second advent. A generation’s time period is approximately 70 years. Therefore we are living in that decade when we may expect this event to occur.
People have talked about this for as long as we can recall but the prophecy regarding the birth of Israel had not arrived until 1948. We are in that time period. Christ also stated that we may not know the day or hour but we can know the approximate time period.
The Apostle Peter left us this information which says that in the last days there will arise scoffers. These individuals say things like “Oh people have talked about this forever and it has not happened.” In II Peter 3: 1, to the end of this chapter, he warns us that when we think He is not coming Christ shall return in the sky! Beloved we are approaching His glorious return. Therefore let us be ready for in such a time as this we may safely say that all the signs are appearing which Jesus Christ provided for His return to our planet. Amen
Even so come Lord Jesus.
Presenting The Gospel To Church Folks
Ask yourself if you thirst for and read the Bible daily.
Ask yourself if you're walking & talking with the Lord daily.
Ask yourself if you, as a positive answer to the above questions, are growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ constantly.
In as much as you fall short in this brief questionnaire it should concern you that you may be in need of a personal conversion experience with the Savior.
Many are trusting in a church or other things when they need to trust solely in the Lord Jesus. There are Church Folk and there are genuine believers and ardent followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. The most dreadful words ever spoken are those which Jesus says in the Gospel According to Mathew.
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU ; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Matt 7:21-23 ESVThe Sole Reason for this Writing to You
This brief message has been shared in love and deep concern for all who will read and comprehend what the Spirit of God says when He says in John's Gospel to search the scriptures for in them you THINK you have eternal life.
You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me. John 5:39 ESVSeek The Lord While You Can
Allow the Holy Spirit to help you to fully comprehend this vital message which addresses the difference between religion and relationship, life eternal and eternal loss.
Make certain of your genuine faith and sincere devotion to Christ Jesus alone.
Contact me if I can assist you in anyway.
Dr. Peter H. Burgess
Devotional 13 - Second Advent of Messiah
People today are inquiring as to the approaching culmination of our universe. We have not arrived there but we are approaching enormous signs as related in scripture. The birth pangs are now being witnessed during 2020. We are cautioned by our Lord to avoid the stating of days or hours but to watch for seasons. Today we discover a time which indicates the return of the Messiah.
While visiting a friend in Roanoke, on our return trip we observed animals of all sorts crossing the road. My wife questioned why this was taking place. My only summation was that there was about to be a great change in the climate. Shortly thereafter we learned of a flood that had taken place in that location.
In my spirit, after having served over 70 years as a minister, I am experiencing the same response as did those creatures when a great storm was approaching. Even folk who are not spiritual are having trepidation's in our time. The scriptures warn us that when do not expect His return that is when to look for His arrival. Keep looking up as this could be the season of His blessed return. II Peter 3: 1-13 is suggested for your reading.
Blessed are those who are looking for His glorious return,
While visiting a friend in Roanoke, on our return trip we observed animals of all sorts crossing the road. My wife questioned why this was taking place. My only summation was that there was about to be a great change in the climate. Shortly thereafter we learned of a flood that had taken place in that location.
In my spirit, after having served over 70 years as a minister, I am experiencing the same response as did those creatures when a great storm was approaching. Even folk who are not spiritual are having trepidation's in our time. The scriptures warn us that when do not expect His return that is when to look for His arrival. Keep looking up as this could be the season of His blessed return. II Peter 3: 1-13 is suggested for your reading.
Blessed are those who are looking for His glorious return,
Devotional 12 - Revive Us Again!
It remains to be seen if our nation will experience another heaven sent Holy Ghost revival. We have never been in a more conducive period than in 2020. The separation of people and the tragedies we face in our time may cause many to look to a higher being.
Man often tends to depend on an institution rather than hearing the voice of God who alone may bring salvation. In this day of consternation one could turn to someone bigger than they. Our attention may now be focused on His instruction “Be still and know that I am God.”
We learn to worship Him who has been longing for our attention and devotion. God has suddenly become the potter and we the clay. This alteration in life could lead to a revival such as the one which occurred during 1904-5 known as the “Welsh revival” and spread globally. This is my prayer as well as that of all of God’s people.
Man often tends to depend on an institution rather than hearing the voice of God who alone may bring salvation. In this day of consternation one could turn to someone bigger than they. Our attention may now be focused on His instruction “Be still and know that I am God.”
We learn to worship Him who has been longing for our attention and devotion. God has suddenly become the potter and we the clay. This alteration in life could lead to a revival such as the one which occurred during 1904-5 known as the “Welsh revival” and spread globally. This is my prayer as well as that of all of God’s people.
The Welsh revivals occurred apart from organized religion. Again the occurrences of this time have closed public gatherings and now one must depend upon the Holy Spirit’s orchestration. Will not He revive us again that His people may rejoice in Him?
Revive us again!
Devotional 11 - Smell the Roses
My daughter serves as chaplain in a local hospital. She witnesses many who are
extremely ill and many who do not survive. It is her privilege to bring comfort and
council to families.
She shares with me some heart rending stories. Many friends and family members confess that they had been remiss in their attentiveness for those who were bed-ridden. Some openly wept in their confessions of their lack of compassion at their bed side. We must learn early to be there for those we know and express our love and our appreciation while they are alive and still with us. Send your “flowers” or better yet bring them when they can still enjoy them. The dead do not smell the roses.
The most moving story is provided by King David who was a man that touched the very heart of God. He was negligent in his attentiveness of his son Absalom. It was recorded many years ago for all to ponder. “O my son Absalom, my son Absalom would God I died for you. O Absalom my son, my son.” (II Samuel 18: 33) May we learn from this man to put our love into action when our friends and loved ones are still available.
extremely ill and many who do not survive. It is her privilege to bring comfort and
council to families.
She shares with me some heart rending stories. Many friends and family members confess that they had been remiss in their attentiveness for those who were bed-ridden. Some openly wept in their confessions of their lack of compassion at their bed side. We must learn early to be there for those we know and express our love and our appreciation while they are alive and still with us. Send your “flowers” or better yet bring them when they can still enjoy them. The dead do not smell the roses.
The most moving story is provided by King David who was a man that touched the very heart of God. He was negligent in his attentiveness of his son Absalom. It was recorded many years ago for all to ponder. “O my son Absalom, my son Absalom would God I died for you. O Absalom my son, my son.” (II Samuel 18: 33) May we learn from this man to put our love into action when our friends and loved ones are still available.
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