Devotional 14 - Even so come Lord Jesus

According to what is revealed in scripture, we are living in the decade when we may witness the second advent of the Messiah. It should not be left for theologians to examine but we must rely fully on what has been recorded in the Bible. 
In Matthew 24:32 Jesus provided information on this issue. He referred to this event in relating that when Israel, or the fig tree, showed signs of  putting forth of it’s leaves that would be a definite sign of His return to earth.  
On May 14, 1948 Israel was recognized as a nation.  Furthermore Jesus went on to explain that the generation of that year should not pass away prior to His second advent.  A generation’s time period is approximately 70 years.  Therefore we are living in that decade when we may expect this event to occur.
People have talked about this for as long as we can recall but the prophecy regarding the birth of Israel had not arrived until 1948.  We are in that time period.  Christ also stated that we may not know the day or hour but we can know the approximate time period.
The Apostle Peter left us this information which says that in the last days there will arise scoffers.  These individuals say things like “Oh people have talked about this forever and it has not happened.”  In II Peter 3: 1, to the end of this chapter, he warns us that when we think He is not coming Christ shall return in the sky!  Beloved we are approaching His glorious return. Therefore let us be ready for in such a time as this we may safely say that all the signs are appearing which Jesus Christ provided for His return to our planet. Amen

Even so come Lord Jesus.

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