Devotional 16 - Our world contains two separate types of individuals...

Our world contains two separate types of individuals, the natural person and the super natural.  The natural or worldly is born once and dies twice. The physical death and the spiritual death as well. The person who is born from above, or born again, is spiritual and dies the physical death only.
For all who are born twice, as taught by Jesus in John’s gospel chapter 3, these need to be equipped with spiritual understanding which comes with growth in our Lord by reading His instructions in scripture.
We are all equipped with three voices as believers. The voice of our Lord, an evil voice and our own voice.  It is essential for all to be able to determine where these voices are originating. How can you determine where the voice of instruction is originating? This is of utmost import and most beneficial to every believer in Christ Jesus.

First there is the counterfeit voice which speaks to us. Already you know where that is coming from as Lucifer is the greatest counterfeiter. Second is a voice of your own choosing and people are fickle and listen to whatever persuasion they may conjure up. Finally there is the voice of your maker.  This voice is the only trustworthy voice. It is the voice of Providence. It is the voice of common sense and wisdom which has become scarce in this time. My devotional today is to point out what is essential in the Christian life.  Read Isaiah 50:10, 11 and Proverbs 6:22.

May you hear Him speaking to you,


  1. Right on target as always! Glory to God in the highest! God bless you!


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