Devotional 13 - Second Advent of Messiah

People today are inquiring as to the approaching culmination of our universe. We have not arrived there but we are approaching enormous signs as related in scripture. The birth pangs are now being witnessed during 2020. We are cautioned by our Lord to avoid the stating of days or hours but to watch for seasons. Today we discover a time which indicates the return of the Messiah.

While visiting a friend in Roanoke, on our return trip we observed animals of all sorts crossing the road.  My wife questioned why this was taking place.  My only summation was that there was about to be a great change in the climate.  Shortly thereafter we learned of a flood that had taken place in that location.

In my spirit, after having served over 70 years as a minister, I am experiencing the same response as did those creatures when a great storm was approaching.  Even folk who are not spiritual are having trepidation's in our time. The scriptures warn us that when do not expect His return that is when to look for His arrival.  Keep looking up as this could be the season of His blessed return. II Peter 3: 1-13 is suggested for your reading.

Blessed are those who are looking for His glorious return,

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