Devotional 11 - Smell the Roses

My daughter serves as chaplain in a local hospital. She witnesses many who are
extremely ill and many who do not survive. It is her privilege to bring comfort and
council to families.
She shares with me some heart rending stories. Many friends and family members confess that they had been remiss in their attentiveness for those who were bed-ridden. Some openly wept in their confessions of their lack of compassion at their bed side. We must learn early to be there for those we know and express our love and our appreciation while they are alive and still with us. Send your “flowers” or better yet bring them when they can still enjoy them. The dead do not smell the roses.

The most moving story is provided by King David who was a man that touched the very heart of God. He was negligent in his attentiveness of his son Absalom. It was recorded many years ago for all to ponder. “O my son Absalom, my son Absalom would God I died for you. O Absalom my son, my son.” (II Samuel 18: 33) May we learn from this man to put our love into action when our friends and loved ones are still available.


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