Devotional For Our Uncertain Times

During the blitz in WW2, a distraught lady was crying that she had lost everything.  Furthermore, she discovered that she had just lost her crucifix and uttered: “now God I only have you!“. At times we also seemingly lose our all and yet it is then we may come to realize that he is our all in all. We feel like homeless Orphans and he surrounds us and we are comforted as never before.

It has been my privilege to have authored a book, “Defeating Loneliness”. In as much as I am not a well-known writer the book is not read as frequently as I may like. With this, I asked God about this matter and his answer was:  “tell me about it.” He supplies us with answers but we often fail to read his book.

May we turn to his love letters to us to discover help in time of need. King David wrote in Psalm 34: 18-19, “the Lord is close unto them that are of a broken heart and saves those of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” 

May you experience His Divine deliverance,

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