Still another doctrine comes out of the creation story, as described in gen. 3:14 and :15 that of the creation of the redeemer and mention of another god. This is depicted in Isaiah 14 verses 12 through 17. The reading of this scripture is primarily basic but may need some clarification. We will look at these passages to better understand what is being said when speaking of another created god. The creation of Satan is laid out in Ezekiel 28 in verses 12 through 19. The full description of our common enemy describes this fallen creation was so powerful that it is stated that if Satan were greater he would be as powerful and influential as The Lord God Almighty. His beauty is far above comprehension. He was placed in charge of worship and thrown down to earth due to his rebellion. Second Corinthians 4 and verse 4 Paul, the apostle, refers to this creature as ‘the god of this world.’ (small g ) also in Ephesians 2 and verse 2 and in John 14 and verse 30 it speaks of Satan as ‘The Prince And Power Of The Air.’ thus our god gets blamed oftentimes for acts of god by insurance companies! We must get the full picture of what we are dealing with. Satan, unlike our god, is not omnipresent, and what we are usually experiencing are his daemons rather than Lucifer or Beelzebub.
So in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians chapter 6, we are instructed in the means of combating this monster. in verses 10 through 18 of Ephesians 6. Some may retort that we are most familiar with this passage and some have it memorized! However, most believers in our Lord seem to have failed in donning their armor both defensively and offensively and are running around in their underwear. Our only offensive weapons are prayer and the word or sword. Today comes to the awakening call from him as he underlines it in this message. The apostle Paul, in 11 Thess. 5 and verse 17, reminds all believers to pray unceasingly. Bill Bright the founder of campus crusade for Christ spoke of spiritual breathing. One must breathe out the bad and breathe in the good air. I.e., if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He also gave us the four spiritual laws which became one of the most beneficial tools in spreading the good news.
At this hour, as we worship we are in an unseen battle. Should our sight be adjusted to see what is transpiring our hearts would fail us! Even in the 1500's, Martin Luther threw an ink well at Satan who actually made himself known to this father of the reformation. Luther, later in one of the greatest hymns of the faith, wrote: ‘though this world with the devil’s filled.’ he propounded that the just shall live by faith, at the same time others may have known this and yet were fearful in their confession of such. In our time the church is willing for the second advent but it is not ready! The second coming is seldom heard in our time and a majority of today’s Christians no longer believe that it is imminent!
In first Samuel 3, God sought to instruct mankind; so God spoke to little Samuel who thought it was the voice of a man, Eli, in spite of his spiritual failure gave Samuel the best advice ever when he informed him that it was God who was speaking to him.
God is speaking in this very hour but according to the author of Hebrews, we have become dull in hearing his voice of instruction. Signs of his immediate return are most evident. Even godless people are cognizant that something is about to happen. The pangs of birth are self-evident! We are experiencing false prophets. Earthquakes of some eight points magnitude since 2004 are the most prevalent ever, apostasy, coldness in places of worship, increasing wickedness, the knowledge of man is the greatest in all history which the Bible mentions.
The next and final prophecy to be fulfilled will be the second advent. One must not engage in the setting of dates. And yet it must not prevent the beholding the signs of the times in accordance with our Lord providing the very generation that shall experience his visual manifestation. We are in that period at this time! Those who have been redeemed are being given their marching orders. When Nicodemus was saved from sin Jesus explained to him what was happening. Recall this when our Lord told Nicodemus that one does not know where the wind comes from when it blows nor where it goes to when it stops blowing so are the things of the spirit.
The spiritual winds are now stirring in this very time and place. This should serve to create in us a deeper study and insight into what we may expect momentarily. In second Samuel chapter five and verses twenty-two through twenty-five, there is recorded just such a scenario. This created in my soul and spirit the second spiritual musical composition our God provided. This composition went on the inner net just a few weeks ago and it has created a great response both positively and negatively. The unbelievers are responding that there is no such thing as God. Some are reverting to very gross language. The daemons fought my writing out of this message on every hand as with placing this God-given message in song and word.
Finally, our Lord also provided an explicit parable in his Olivet discourse with the example of what to expect in these closing days. It is recorded in Matthew’s Gospel chapter 25 in verses 1 through 13 which clearly foretold in his message that we shall observe in these days, two distinct groups. One will have oil within, which is the Holy Spirit and the other group will be empty. The Holy Spirit is not mentioned in most spiritual gatherings today and those that have do not allow him to have liberty! Our major lack is twofold. We are bereft of common sense in our churches and our government. Godly wisdom is gone, Ichabod. Let us close this letter with a prayerful plea to our great Lord for the gift of common sense, the filling of the Holy Ghost in our lives and wisdom He shall provide in accordance with James’ admonition. He provides wisdom for the asking. Never in all the annals of history both sacred and secular has there been such a flood of confusion of which our God is certainly not the author.
My prayers for you and all that read this letter which God has chosen to provide for us in this time.
In His love and care,